Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why I don't want an iPad.

I'll admit it. I love Apple. I have a MacBook, and a fifth generation iPod nano. (That's the one with the camera.) I love how idiot-proof Apple products are, I love how sleek they look, and I love how they make me feel like i'm in a Sci-Fi novel. So obviously, I was at first fascinated by the iPad. I mean, come on. It's beautiful! I'd say it has a big touch-screen, but it doesn't. It is a big touch-screen.

And personally, I think people are judging it rather harshly. Most people that don't like it are either comparing it to an over-glorified laptop without the lap-bit and with fewer features, or a gigantic iPod touch. But really, people shouldn't be judging this thing based on other electronics. This is something completely new, and that's what people aren't getting. They shouldn't be comparing this to a laptop, because it's not a laptop. They shouldn't be comparing it to an iPod, because it's not an iPod! It's an iPad. It's portable, and light, and you can use it to check your e-mail, read a book, or organize your day. The only thing I can really think of comparing it to is the Amazon Kindle, but with a lot more features.

With that said, I'm going to rise to the title of this article, and tell you my problem with it.

I've been in love with the Amazon Kindle ever since I saw this XKCD comic. You see, I've been a fan of Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series for a very long time. (In fact I re-read the books less than a month ago.) And the idea that we're living in a world where such a revolutionizing technology is actually possible just completely fascinates me. It makes me want to buy moon-boots and chrome shoulder-pads. Okay, I'm kidding. Ew. But seriously, though. The Kindle is an awesome product. At first I didn't really like it, since nothing can totally beat reading a real-life book. But then I read about it. And the screen that's lit up in a way that doesn't hurt your eyes. And then I realized that I was looking at a future where my school-bag weighed about half a kilo. And I saw that it was good.

 And the Kindle doesn't look that bad, either. It's a pretty okay design. But just imagine what you could do with this technology mixed with Apple's apps and touch-screens!

That's right, people. My actual reason for not wanting an iPad? I'm holding out for the iKindle.

Seriously. Picture it. It would be about the same size as a Kindle, and about as thick and light. It would have the same sleek Apple look that iPad has. It would have fewer apps than iPad, and more apps than Kindle. And none of those silly games that all the iPhones, iPod touches and iPads have, either. It would be completely idiot-proof and user-friendly, with nice Apple-graphics but the Kindle eye-friendly screen. All the apps would be really useful, but beautiful. Maps of the London underground-system. Dictionary. iBooks (or E-books. Whatever). And, of course, free acess to Wikipedia and similar sites.

That is my dream, people. A reasonably sized, reasonably priced, non-heavy guide to everything in the world, that fits into my purse. And it's only a matter of time before Steve Jobs and whatever the guy that runs Amazon is called start dreaming someting along the same lines. So come on, guys. Make my dream come true.

-42% V

P.S. Oh, and if you do? Leather cases with the words "Don't panic" written on them in large, friendly letters, please.

Monday, May 10, 2010

For shame.

Okay, I am oficcially bowing my head in shame now to tell you that you probably won't be getting a proper blog (or, indeed, any blog) until the end of the week. There's just far too much going on with both of us at the moment. We're busy studying for exams, and all our creative thinking is being channeled towards completely different things from this website. We will be back soon, but at the moment we are just swamped with everything else.

Sorry, guys.

-42% V

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Icelandic blog - Klifurhúsið

Jæja, núna byrja prófin, og áður en allt verður vitlaust ákvað ég að blogga einusinni á íslensku!

Ég ætla sko að koma mér í form í sumar! Hvernig? Ég skal sína ykkur hvernig:

Klifurhúsið er í Skútuvogi 1G, rétt hjá Holtagörðum. (kort), og þar ætla ég að æfa í sumar. Þetta er frábær staður með góðri stemmingu og frábærri aðstöðu! Fyrir utan það að hafa mjög góða klifur- og klifuræfingaraðstöðu er líka venjuleg líkamsræktaraðstaða með lóðum, tækjum, hlaupabrettum og sippuböndum! Klifursalurinn er akkuratt í réttri stærð og það er ótrulega gaman að fara þarna og reyna aðeins á sig með vinunum, sérstaklega ef áhuginn er fyrir hendi! Í salnum eru nokkrir klifurveggir og allir með eitthvað sem hinir veggirnir hafa ekki. Einnig er fjöldi merktra brauta á hverjum vegg, og er hver braut eða leið hönnuð með einhverja ákveðna æfingu eða ákveðið erfiðleikastig í huga. Til dæmis er einn veggur sem er gerður til æfa hliðrun og er þar ein leið sem er ÓMÖGULEG! Við eyddum góðum tíma í að skiptast á að glíma við vegginn ég og tver vinir mínir. Við kepptumst um hver kæmist lengst og hver notaði svölustu aðferðina.

Það er opið seint á kvöldin og húsið opnar vanalega um hádegi. Opnunartímarnir eru allir á vefsíðunni ;)

Það er klifurbúð á staðnum sem selur allt sem þið gætuð þurft. Fyrir innanhússklifur þarf engan búnað, fyrir utan klifurskó sem hægt er að leiga á 200kall í afgreiðslunni.  Það kostar 700kall inn sem er frekar dýrt, en klifurhúsið býður líka upp á svona kort sem er miklu ódýrara! Ég persónulega ætla að fá mér 3ja mánaða kort á 11þús.

Verðlisti Klifurhússins 
1 skipti: 700 kr *13 ára og eldri
1 skipti: 500 kr *12 ára og yngri --fjölskylduverð--
10 skipti: 6.000 kr         (14% ódýrara en 10 sinnum 1skipti)
1 mánuður: 4.100 kr
3 mánuðir: 10.900 kr     (13% ódýrar en þrisvar sinnum 1mánuður)
6 mánuðir: 18.000 kr     (21% ódýrara en tvisvar sinnum 3mánuðir)
1 ár: 25.000 kr              (45% ódýrara en tvisvar sinnum 6mánuðir!!!!)
leiga á skóm: 200 kr

Ef þið viljið kennslu þá eru sumarnámskeið klifurhússins hérna
Þeir sem vita ekki alveg hvað felst í klifri og klettaklifri getið þið skoðað þetta myndband og kynningu á klifri
Klifurhúsið á facebook
Myndir frá klifurhúsinu:

Að klifra er góð styrktaræfing en það er jafnframt ótrúlega gaman. Ég held ég hafi aldrei farið einn í klifurhúsið, enda er langskemmtilegast að fara tveir eða fleiri saman. Strætó 5 og 12 stoppa þarna rétt fyrir utan. Þið sem hafið prófað að klifra; kaupið kort, og þið sem hafið ekki enn prófað; hvað eruð þið að spá!?

-Bjarki Stef.

Hvað ætlið þið að gera í sumar? Hverjir ætla að vera duglegir að hreyfa sig og æfa í sumar? Hvernig ætlið þið að æfa? Endilega commnetið!

Friday, April 30, 2010

MyCityDeal, AmazingPhil and Youtube!


An open letter.

Have you ever had that feeling, where you just really want to shout something at someone, but you can't? Have you ever been so mad at someone that you make up speeches in your head, and imagine yourself delivering those speaches to the person it's directed at, while the person just sort of stands/sits thare, mouth gaping, looking like an idiot, being totally pwnd?

I have. In fact I'm feeling that quite a lot recently. I made up a pretty decent speach in my head today, as a matter of fact, that I have composed as a letter for you all to enjoy. It goes something like this:

Dear You.
Could you kindly shove your head up your own a**?
It's just that you are positively the most dreadful, uninteresting and all-round awful person I know, and I'd really like it if you just generally kept yourself as far away from me as possible, if you could. So would you please make an effort to just sort of not be anywhere near me, at all times? I sure as hell make an effort to be as far away from you as I physically can at any given point in my life.
Yours hatefully,

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blog from the bathroom

Yes, it seems that someone has locked me inside my school's men's big bathroom. Oh well, guess I'll just blog whilst I await my saviour!

So I decided to give you a bit of a heads-up on a video that's about to come out. We should finish editing today and the video should go viral today or tomorrow, and will of course be embedded here for your viewing pleasure^^

Me and Bryndís are sending in a commission for this competition right here, hosted by AmazingPhil and MyCityDeal.

So, I am hopefully getting out of here soon, be sure to subscribe to be able to view the video as soon as it comes out!

P.S. Along with the video I made a list of all the things we did wrong...

Oh! There, I'm out of the bathroom, 20 fucking minutes, took you a while guys!!!...

what was I saying?...

Oh, yes I made a list and then converted it to a how-to guide which I will post so you guys wont make the same mistakes as we did if you want to make a similar video! xD

-42% B(athroom-boy)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Harpa, and a link, and a edit!!

-Edit: I apparently totally forgot to explain: "Why "Harpa"  " xD
On the 22nd of april Icelanders celebrate the coming of spring with the official "First day of summer". Almost every single Icelander has at some point thought to him/herself  "Who the fuck got the idea of having the first day of summer IN APRIL". Well, you see, the origin of this celebration is this: In the old icelandic calendar what now is 22nd of may was then the first day of the old icelandic month Harpa. So, the summer starts in the month of Harpa and  the month is celebrated as it comes. Therefor we have a celebration on the first of Harpa, the month of spring. But oh-noes! We now have a different calendar paired up with an old calendar-based celebration :/ What do we do? We keep the date of the celebration ('cause you don't just CHANGE tradition) and instead of shouting "Harpa, the month of summer is here" we freeze our asses off downtown celebrating "The first day of summer" xD

Hello good people!
The playlist for Harpa is up and running. To listen to our chosen tunes for this month simply press the play button on our mini-player on the right hand side of this site.
If the first song isn't exactly your style, just hit next and listen to a song I just recently discovered. It's really cool and the electric piano keeps my foot tapping throughout the whole song.

  • Dude I Totally Miss You(you know who you are) - Tenacious D
  • Ruby Tuesday - The Rolling Stones
  • Venus - Shocking Blue
If you want to see last month's playlist you can find it here.
If you want to get your own playlist go to singingbox.org.
If you want to download individual tunes I personally recommend BeeMP3.com.
If you want to waste some time you can check out this site.


42% B

Friday, April 23, 2010

Subscribe to 42%

Hi there, faithful follower! 42% V here. Please excuse my partner, and his spelling errors. He's very tired, and is at the moment unaware that there is a difference between the words "now" and "know". I've tried to fix the biggest errors, but I am also somewhat exhausted. Enjoy his psot.. ptos... posssstttt... enjoy the blog!
-42% V

I am following quite a few sites on the internet, and nothing annoys me more than irregular posting. You know, when you check a particular site daily for a week, then give up, come back on week 2 and realize that you missed 4 posts -.-

The reason why I bring this up is due to OUR unfaithful posting. BUT NO MORE!!! You can make the whole phenomenon of irregular posting far less annoying... by subscribing! Yes, indeed,  you can now subscribe to our posts and this particular post will tell you how! :D

Monday, April 19, 2010

=3 and SuchTweetSorrow

What's this? Two updates in one day? Can it be possibly true?! Okay, so this is me personally apologizing for blowing you guys off for most of the week by giving you two posts. (Also, this one's not just an excuse for not putting up posts.) Please forgive us. There. Now for the actual blog.

I recently joined Twitter. Mostly because it's the easiest way to stalk celebrities.

Alright, so I joined it partly because Ray William Johnson of Equals Three fame uses it to update his fans with what's going on and if there's a new video out, and partly because I like writing short yet catchy updates. That is, if I can find anything funny to write.

Ray William Johnson's a funny guy, and his show basically revolves around showing 2-4 extremely popular (or "viral") videos and analyzing (is that correctly spelled?) them using standard internet humor, with frequent "your mom" jokes, and sexist remarks. (But I'm pretty sure that's a joke though... right?) He's got some really funny running gags, and a hilarious character, The Troll, that anyone that has ever seen any comments on the internet ever should be able to recognize.

But to be fair, I think it's really just something you ought to see for yourselves. Here's Ray's latest =3 video, by the way, that came out last thursday. (There's a new one to be released today, but I can't be bothered to actually wait for it.) If you like it, chances are you'll like all his other videos. They're pretty much the same.

But back to the subject of Twitter! After having joined, only this week, I found out about Such Tweet Sorrow. I'm going to assume you're familiar with the play Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare, right? Well Such Tweet Sorrow is a modern production of Romeo & Juliet... On Twitter! That's right! This is no joke! There are six characters, and we follow their lives day by day for five weeks. It's in real-time, and I've been following them since day six or seven. It started April 10th.

If you're not already following the story, I suggest you start now. It's not too late: Romeo and Juliet haven't even met yet! Read up on the story so far here and click all the characters (listed in the sidebar of the website) to follow them.

Stay classy,
  -42% V

P.S. Coming up sometime this week (i.e. whenever I can actually be buggered): Runic Magic: A how-to guide. I've only got a few minor details to figure out, and then it's ready to be posted. So, like... look forward to that.

Typical failblog and a new Game of The Week

Before all the boring stuff; THE GAME
Yeah, I know, I know! Every other blog post out there only serves the purpose of promising more posts... and I am sorry to tell you that this is one of them. This is an excuse-a-blog too! Wow, I'm writing everything we hate in blog posts IN ONE POST! Yipee!

No, for real, spring finals are coming up. There is a lot of studying, procrastinating and panicking about to happen! So traffic is going to be sloooooow.

Nonetheless I will try to keep this sucker alive over the finals!

Friday, April 16, 2010

I can't believe it's not butter!

Every time we start writing a post for this site it gets saved as a draft. If we don't finish writing or simply give up on posting it it is still showed on your admin-site along with the full post list. In this coming week we are going to complete those drafts!

To make sure you keep checking this site (like you have been doing) this is the list:


Góðann daginn!
Núna kemur síðan upp úr löngum dvala, ellefu dagar er eins og heilt vetrarfrí fyrir síðu sem þessa!

Good morning!
Wow! Eleven days on the internet is a lot of time! But rest assured,  42-percent has now awaken from a long sleep and is ready for action!

Look forward to an action-packed week. We have a new game of the week, playlist update, two big blogs and a few minor ones and hopefully a youtube video by the end of the month!

Do be aware, though, that the spring finals are coming up, but we'll try to keep a steady stream of AWESOME flowing your way!

Have a good weekend!
-(2^2^2^2^2+10)/100, B

Friday, April 9, 2010

Intahrwebs pictcharz.

I am posting this just because I'm sick (ha-ha, no, I'm actually sick. Which is why I'm allowed to post at 4:43 in the morning. I was asleep all day.) of looking at that video embed every time I opened the site. Ima find something interesting for y'all to look at, yo!


There must be something... Oh, here we go!

Okay, I know you've all seen demotivational posters, right? They look something like this.

And if you haven't been living under a rock since God invented the internet (ha-ha, it's funny because I'm at atheist) you'll also have come across lolcats, and probably other funny pictures with lolspeak written on them.

Well, haven't you ever wanted to make one of your own in a fast and easy way? I did, so I did what I usually do when I want something: I Google it. (Also applies to celebreties I have crushes on, and people I'm stalking.) And, because I'm a l33t h4x0r (no I'm not) I found what I was looking for!

I actually created both these pictures in about five minutes (that includes the time it took me to find the images on Google and uploading the final results to Photobucket). Yes I'm aware that that "the" should be a "teh", but gimme a break! I'm really sick and it's five in the morning! I did this via automotivator and roflbot, respectively. How do they work? Simple. Click the link(s), upload a picture, and write something funny! I've seen crap demotive-makers and lolcat-makers on the internet, but these are actually really good. They're really user-friendly and easy to use, and most importantly, they produce really good- and authentic-looking pictures!
They both belong to the website Wigflip, a site that, upon further inspection, appears to be very neat indeed. They have this thing called the signbot, that... well it's pretty darn obvious isn't it?

You know who you are.

Soooo yeah. You now know how to create your very own demotivational poster, lolcat, loldog or lol-any-sort-of-animal-you-found-a-funny-picture-of. You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and actually fall asleep before my mom wakes up for work.

-42% V

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Apple iPad - Prelude

prel·ude noun 1. An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.

PCMag: Apple iPad video review from PCMag.com Reviews on Vimeo.

Friday, April 2, 2010


I just recently got to know the phenomenon of psychopathy. It is basically the word for "he/she who doesn't feel guilt and/or remorse like most other people". There is a scale, a test, a definition, extreme cases and everything! I recommend taking some time to check out this... thing...

This, like most psyche-evaluations on the internet, can be mis-used and misinterpreted, so if you score over average on this test it doesn't necessarily mean you have psychopathy! If however you score relatively high  you should talk to your parents and maybe a psychiatrist.
Apparently psychopathy is one of those thing which you either have or you don't. Although you may show symptoms of psychopathy, there are many other reasons other than being a psychopath as to why you would show these symptoms. I for one have ADHD and just by adjusting my answers a little bit I could probably diagnose myself a psychopath, or being bi-polar or just plain damn weird in the head! xD

Thursday, April 1, 2010

General babbling.

Hi there.

I know we haven't been all that active/interesting recently, but please excuse us. We're both pretty busy. In the meantime you can look forward to a revised version of the book-blog! Yay for that! We've been resizing the site recently, so the formatting's f*cked, and I also need to go over the app list and fix it. It's a good list, but some items need replacing/removing, and some new ones need mentioning, so don't take the old one too seriously.

And since this is a rather uninteresting post, have a picture and a link!

Link:  ...

I've lost it! Gosh-darn.

Oh wait. no, here it is.

Game of The Week


I have yet to decide WHICH day. But whether it's going to be thursday, saturday or any other day; here is this week's Game of The Week

To lunch this weekly (or bi-weekly) site update, here is Robot Unicorn Attack!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Almost Game of The Week

God! It's so annoying having that song start whenever I open this page! When I get home from work and the circus I'm gonna open the "Game of the week" page, just to get rid of this autoplay!

See ya then!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Play/Download Robot Unicorn Attack

Would you like to be able to play it offline? Well now you can!

Right-click the following link and "save target as..."

If you don't know this game be sure to check out this post.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Hello there. Today I'm going to tell you about something that you might already be familiar with. Then again, you might not.

It's called Omegle, and it's really neat. It's basically a chatroom where you can't control who you talk to. It usually has a lot of people on it at the same time. The system randomly connects you to another person that is available to chat. The connection is instantanious, and you can easily disconnect at any time and start a new chat.  

(Apparently they now also have a video-chat option. I'm scared to click it.)

Now you must remember, this is the internet. Of course it has pervs, and stupid people, and 40-year old Turkish men that want to see your webcam. But it also has really nice, fun and interesting people that are just bored and want to talk to someone new.
Since I am Icelandic, a lot of people tend to focus a lot on that when I talk to them. Be warned: this can get extremely annoying if the person is not in the mood to talk about his/her country. Try to make the conversation interesting for the other person as well.

I've had many decent conversations on Omegle, and a few really epic ones. And so can you. Happy networking!

-42% V

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dare: "Learn this monologue by heart"

Today I received a dare, our very own 42% V said that it would be so funny if I'd memorize, by heart, Steven Fry's monologue on his loveliness from the pilot of a Bit of Fry and Laurie (aired 26th of december, 1987).
Rather then watching the pilot and writing down the sketch myself I decided to do some googlin' first, and as always when I look for something on the internet; I found what I was looking for.

This is the monologue, along with ALL his other monologues. I found this page through Colin's Movie Monologue Page. He has a search feature so if you are looking for a monologue this is a good place to start your search.
Also found this particular monologue at IMDBMemorable quotes for A Bit of Fry and Laurie (pilot 1987) and then I found this one... I have no idea what this one is about, but it has the monologue and many other quotes. Works for me!
"I think it was Donald Mainstock, the great amateur squash player, who pointed out how lovely I was. Until that time, I think it was safe to say that I'd never really been aware of my own timeless brand of loveliness. But his words smote me, because, of course, you see, I am lovely, in a fluffy, moist kind of a way. I walk, let's be splendid about this, in a lightly-scented cloud of gorgeousness that isn't a far shot from being quite simply terrific. The secret to smooth, almost shiny loveliness, of the order which we are discussing in this simple, frank, creamy-soft way doesn't reside in oils, unduants, balms, ointments, astringments, creams, milks, moisturizers, linaments, lubricants, embracants or bolsoms, to be simply divine for just one noble moment; it resides, and I mean this in a pink, slightly special way, in one's attitude of mind. To be gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely, all you have to do is to believe that one is gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely. And I believe it of myself, tremulously at first and then with mounting heat and passion because, stopping off for a second to be super again, I'm so often told it. That's the secret really." - Stephen Fry, a Bit of Fry and Laurie(1987)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Let's say for whatever reason you're the first human ever to make alien contact...

"yes, i know, pretty unlikely. probably isn't going to be you. that's a given. but it would be a good idea for us to spare a few minutes and think about it. why? well, for one: MOST HISTORIANS AND SCIENTISTS AGREE THIS WOULD BE THE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT ON ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY!" -author

This is the title of an enormous poster, telling you how to react and what to do if you are that person. I don't know who wrote this, and since it is ENORMOUS I can't be bothered to resize the whole frikkin' blog to make it fit. Just click the image below to open it full-size. (no, seriously, the poster is 856x2193 while this blog is only 500x≈3000!)

Read it, it's really clever and well thought-out. Maybe I'll read-and-blog later, giving you my thoughts and opinions on this masterpiece, but due to not-so-fun-to-have migraine I think this will do for now.

Wow, two blogs on one day! Only two more and we are back to our "one-post-per-day"-schedule!
Edit: no, that is no the way this blog works, we are not promising one blog per day! I guess 20+ posts per month would be more accurate ;)

My hero: Gylfi Pálsson

Gylfi Pálsson read the certification warning in a video that was featured on every video tape released in Iceland for many years. I have seen this guy speak that one paragraph a bazillion times!
The rating system here is a bit different from elsewhere, but I'm pretty sure this one compares to R-Restricted rather than NC-17. The only difference is that the age requirement is 16, not 17.

This guy is freakin' epic xD
Thank you Heimsreisarinn for uploading these videos so that they may never be forgotten (or gotten rid of! xD)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Einmánuður - Playlist Update

Gleðilegan Einmánuð!

Today is the first day of the old Icelandic month Einmánuður. For that occasion, for you, a playlist update! Yay! n_n

Our beautiful "42% Playlist" is right there in the upper right corner of this page, featured by Singingbox.org and BeeMP3. Click play and prepare for awesomeness!

For this month these are our songs:
  • Don't Stop Believing - Journey
  • You've Got a Friend in Me - Randy Newman
  • The Pokémon Theme song
If you want to see last month's song they can be found here.
I also updated this, and then by the time you read this, this will probably have updated too! :D So click around and see what's been going on!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Drawing. Because I can.

I figured it was about time I drew us. Us being the creators and owners of this website. I'm the blonde one.

This picture is also on my deviantART page.

And yes. We're totally that hot in real life.

-42% V

Epicness - Monty Star Wars

This is one of the two funniest Monty Star Wars videos on youtube.
If you don't think this is funny than a) you don't speak english or most likely b) you haven't seen Monty Python's Holy Grail xD

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Almost Einmánuður - Upcoming playlist update.


Only three days 'till the next playlist update! Got any ideas what songs you'd like it to play? If you do, comment!

The playlist archive can be found HERE.

And to make this blog look not pathetic and small and wimpy, here's a really hardcore and cool and awesome picture:

Can you hear this sound?

Hello interwebz!
We spent at least half of today's physics class discussing this:

The Teenager Audio Test - Can you hear this sound?
Created by Oatmeal

Which was perfect since I have been waiting for a long time for a reason to post this xD

Smell ya later
42% B

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The song. Oh god, that song...

edit from 42% B: I have finished updating most of the site. Click around and see what has changed ;)
Do you know the feeling of just not being able to get that song out of your head? So do I. And since I'm apparently evil or something, I'm making a new feature on this site. The song that's currently stuck in my head!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moar, for the love of god, MOAR!

Hey you guys?

Good. Remember that list of useful/awesome Mac applications? Remember Adium? The MSN-client that's way better than Windows Live Messenger?

Still with me? Ok, if you've used Adium you'll know that the only thing wrong with it is that you can't send or receive custom emoticons.


Uninstall your old Adium and download this! Problem = solved. The only thing I ever missed from Windows is on my Mac now! Hooray! Read the whole article here.

Stay classy,
-42% V

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


What am I doing this weekend? Well, if I have to think of something, this comes to mind...

Edit: It has been (almost completely) confirmed that this weekend is going to be made entirely of  AWESOME and EPIC (with a dash of HOMEWORK on the side)! Friday night and then either Saturday or Sunday will be entirely dedicated to pulling of as many awesome things possible within the day. We are listing all our ideas HERE, and the people I'm doing this with are ALWAYS suggesting new things to do! It is going to be legend... wait for it...

Just to make this post a bit longer than one line, here's an animation I pieced together (click it) and a link!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Dear reader. It would at this point probably be fair to make it absolutely clear, if you hadn’t already picked that up, that there is more than one person in charge of this website. There are, in fact, two of us, although my colleague has been responsible for the majority of the other posts. (He gets rather easily excited. I apologize.) I did, however, do the list of useful Mac applications. That was me. And you are welcome. I also did the one on how to make awesome-looking folders on your Mac. But don’t worry. I will be talking about more things, over time, than simply how to customize a Mac.

I’d like to make it absolutely clear that we have rather different interests, my colleague and I. Of course we have many things in common. But many things, sadly, we do not. I am, for example, not a math-head. I am a bookworm. I’ve been a bookworm since I first learned to read, and I rather enjoy it. I do, however, have an astounding list of books that I have yet to read. This has presented itself as something of a problem, since
a) interesting books and comics just keep coming to my local library
b) I live near a shop that stocks exactly the kind of books that interest me just by looking at the title
c) I am a student, and as such have my hands quite full with essays, schoolbooks and other drab and dull things.

This list of books is, therefore, only getting longer. And as time passes, I remember books that I own and have already read, but really, really ought to read again sometime soon. And since I apparently have nothing better to do at the moment (like, oh I don’t know, the schoolwork I was complaining to you about) I have decided to share this constantly expanding list with you. Most of these books I own, but have not found the time to read yet. Here we go.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Halló krakkar!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Predictable Link - Robot Unicorn Attack

Hey guys! Comment if you frickin' love this game!

The game is called Robot Unicorn Attack; presented by adultswim games...


With a title like that, how can it even fail?
I'll tell you. It can't.

Play the game here:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Button

we. now. have. A BUTTON!!!!!

How cool is THAT!!!(apart from the fact that it does... well... nothing) 

I know it doesn't really do anything yet (expect being totally addictive). But you can change that!
Now, YOU can decide what this button does!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Because this website needs pictures.

I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, and it's already been mentioned on this page that I am an artist. So I guess it's about time to show you my deviantART page, isn't it?

Alright, so this blog needs a few pictures, doesn't it? Alright. I'll show you some of the pictures that I'm proudest of. But only a few! You gotta check my website if you want to see more. I'd like to point out as well that drawing is my number one artistic medium, but I do have different pieces that I'm very proud of, so I think I'll show you a bit of everything. (Well not EVERYTHING, but you know...)

This one's called Look at me, and it's one three photo-manips I did of the same eye. It is also one of my personal favourites. I don't normally do photo-manipulations, but I'm just sooo happy with this. It also got a lot of positive feedback.

Special is a photograph I took through the window of a store in Portobello, England when I went there a couple of years ago. I played with it a little in Photoshop Elements, and this was probably my first sucessful attempt at an almost black-and-white picture (or whatever this genre is called; I can't really be bothered to look it up). This is also an obvious Andy Warhol tribute.

iDucks is a part of a sort of craze that consumed me at one point, where almost everything I did was an iPod ad spoof. You wouldn't guess, but this sort of became my favourite out of the bunch. The others were all specific characters, but this is so simple. I think it sort of captures the spirit of the original.

Alright, so here's a recent one I did. It's called Yes I can, and apparently NO ONE GETS THIS JOKE. So I'm going to explain it. It's friggin' M.C. Hammer, okay? The one that sang U Can't Touch this? And that's me, touching him. Saying "What are you gonna do?" Because I totally can touch him. Because, like, what would he do? M.C. Hammer-slide all over me? (What does that even mean?) GET IT?

I must stress that in no way do I see myself as a photographer, but this picture, In the middle of summer, is somehow very close to my heart. It's my uncle's house, and used to belong to my grandmother on my mothers' side (before she died). My mom grew up in this house, and we've spent a lot of time there ever since I was tiny. Something about the contrast between the green leaves and the yellow house, and how the blue shows through the branches just feels so pure, and somewhere deep inside me it reminds me of childhood.

Wow. Guess that was a bit nostalgic, wasn't it? Alright. Only two to go.

This one's called Princess Júnía, and it's probably my best piece so far. It's a picture of a friend of mine in a sort of Disney-like style, and I feel like this picture really shows how much my drawing ability has evolved over the last few years. I'm very proud of it.

This one, I support AWESOMENESS, really just deserves an honourable mention. It's my most faved deviation of all time, but it took me almost no time to make at all. I just got the idea, and made it happen. Animation is a piece of cake if you know how to google.

Well there you go. That's a sort of summarization of my deviantART page. If you liked this, you might want to it check it out.

Stay classy,
-42% V

Sunday, March 7, 2010

It starts with us

Okay, so I guess we haven't had a post in a while. And it's sort of my turn, isn't it?

If you're like me, then you've had very depressed moments when you just feel like the world's basically screwed and there's nothing you can do about it. Well there is. Check out this website.

It starts with us

The mission of this site is to make the world a better place by getting lots of people to do small, good things for others. I really like this concept, and I subscribed to their mailing list. I recommend you do too. (Note that you can unsubscribe at any point.)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A look at procrastination.

I really am most awfully sorry for how lazy I appear to be on this site. 42% B seems to think that this is on account of me being shy or something. This is completely ridiculous to me, since I am not in the least bit shy in publishing things on the internet. It's just that I hardly have any time these days! My to-do list is ridiculously long, and I'm also battling a deep-rooted psycological problem. And you know what? I bet you know it too.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Potentially Awesome - Ideas blog

Creativity. Productivity. I am good at those. Executing? Not so much!

I just found out that I am, as it where, potentially awesome. All I need is a partner! My resources are these:

F**k this shit! - Eddie Izzard

Screw reliability! After doing some thinking we realized a weekly plan is not the best way to go. Instead we are making it our aim to post once every single day!

If you don't know who is is, then make a new tab NAO, and google him! Go to youtube or something! Find "Cake or death" or "star wars cantine"!

For those of you who are awesome enough to recognize this genius; here's a picture and a link!

The picture:

You know this to be true! The whole show "Glorious" written down!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?
Here you can also find screensavers, desktop wallpapers, calendar and all sorts of cool Eddie- stuff! Enjoy and see you guys tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Your Guitar Sage

One time everything is for the first time!

I was watching some videos on youtube and it seems to be happening to me quite frequently that I pause the video on the most epic fraction of a second possible!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Not Always Right

(A man comes to my register with a mint chocolate candy bar.)
Me: “Anything else?”
Customer: “Can you break a $100 bill?”
Me: “Actually, I can’t. We just opened and I haven’t gone to the bank today.”
Customer: “Oh, no! Do you know anywhere I can get change? I need this candy right away!”

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Just to tease you a bit I decided to tell you that...:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Epic Movies - 300 Page views!

300 page views! Woo-hoo! And what do you get? A new post!

As mentioned in my Top Ten Coolest Movie Voices -blog I watch movies... A LOT. Sometimes half of the experience is the person you watch the movies with. With that in mind me and my best friend compiled a list of epic movies that we just HAVE TO watch together. For reasons unknown I decided to share with you this list! yay!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Nostalgia Critic!

New Nostalgia Critic every wednesday!

Safari crashed just when I clicked play. At least I got this epic screenshot xD

Be sure to check out the Top 11 Villain Songs at TGWTG.com

Awesome folders and how to make 'em

I’d love to say that people frequently ask me the question “V, how do you make your MacBook so cool and customized? Can you teach me?” But I won’t say that, because that would be a lie. I never get asked that. But I should, because I’ve spent quite a bit of time working on this. Over time, we’re going to post more hints on how to make your Mac even more awesome than it already is, but for now I’m just going to show you how to customize your folder icons.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Religion Post

"...Those parrots talk about everything. Politics, movies, fashion. Everything but religion. It's rude to talk about religion. You never know who you're gonna offend"

Edward Bloom from Tim Burton's Big Fish (2003) is absolutely correct. But if then again I'm a teenager. I'm used to having people pissed off at me >.<

Monday, February 22, 2010

Learning Flash

God, I love getting new softwares!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it was only last week when I got me the Adobe CS04 Master Collection! I couldn't wait to start learning my way around softwares like Photoshop®, After Effects®, and my personal favorite; Adobe Flash®.

Most of these softwares are a piece of cake to learn to use, but Flash has proven it self a challange worthy of my skillz (assume I have any). If you want to learn flash animation and actionscripting and are finding yourself lost and not knowing where to start, here are a few tips and links to get you going:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Góa - Playlist Update

Today is the first day of "Góa", one of the old icelandic months. The first day of Góa is also one of the  two "icelandic valentine's day". This one is simply called "wife-day". On this day a husband is supposed to treat her wife like she is the queen of the world, or his world anyways.

On this occasion I introduce to you the first monthly playlist update! As you can see we have a music player from Singing Box in the right-hand column. From now, for each of the old months, we will post a short blog and a playlist update.

For Góa's playlist we have three songs, one by an icelandic drummer and composer Gunnar Waage (link). The other songs are simply two of my all-time favourites.
  • Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Aleta - Gunnar Waage
  • Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden
To listen to the next song on the playlist simply press the >> button on the Singing Box music player!

Don't Click The Button



Friday, February 19, 2010

Top Ten Coolest Movie Voices

I watch movies. I watch movies A LOT. What I probably love most about movies, and what has the most effect on me whilst watching them, is THE SOUND. A movie with poor audio quality or a dull, uninteresting score is a movie not worth watching (try watching Lord of The Rings on mute, it just doesn't work!). So an actor with a great-sounding voice is naturally well appreciated in the movie-making business.
When wandering one of my favourite sites, www.tgwtg.com, I found this video linked below. The Distressed Watched (a.k.a. TheAmazingAthiest) has compiled a list of the 10 most awesome voices in the movie industry, and boy do I agree with him!
Although he seems to pick voices all in the same category (instead of pointing out the best of each style individually) I have to say all these names had to be mentioned (not necessarily in this order). Maybe later I'll post an addition to the video with some honorable mentions thad, sadly, did not make the list.
But until then and without further ado, click the link below to watch the video at thatguywiththeglasses.com

If you've got spare time I can really recommend almost every video posted on this site! Check it oot!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I'm sure you're al familiar with MLIA, right? And GMH? Probably even FML, even though that's my least favourite of this, shall we say, genre of sites. But my absolute favourite one so far?
It's brilliant. Check it out.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Delayed Update

Sorry for the delayed update guys!
I was going to post my coverage of the "half-your-age-plus-seven"-rule last weekend but due to layout- and file hosting-related difficulties it didn't go so well xD
I will get things online as soon as possible but since I have to take ALL the screenshots again it might take some time.

But this will hopefully not kill our schedule (HOPEFULLY) and my next post and the first monthly playlist will (again; HOPEFULLY) be on time!

ta-ta for now!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Useful/Awesome Mac Applications

A few days ago, I was browsing the web, looking for interesting applications for my MacBook. And I noticed that a lot of people seem to be making lists of their favourite applications, or ones that they find useful.
“Hmmm,” I thought. “This is quite a popular trend, isn’t it?” So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and do one of my own. And who knows? Maybe you’ll all like it so much that you’ll tell all your friends, who’ll tell all their friends, et cetera, and this webpage will become famous overnight!
Yeah right. Anyway, best get started. Here they are, in alphabetical order! And remember to tune in soon for a blog on customizing your Mac’s icons!

Click "Expand" to see my list!