I'll admit it. I love Apple. I have a MacBook, and a fifth generation iPod nano. (That's the one with the camera.) I love how idiot-proof Apple products are, I love how sleek they look, and I love how they make me feel like i'm in a Sci-Fi novel. So obviously, I was at first fascinated by the iPad. I mean, come on. It's beautiful! I'd say it has a big touch-screen, but it doesn't. It is a big touch-screen.
And personally, I think people are judging it rather harshly. Most people that don't like it are either comparing it to an over-glorified laptop without the lap-bit and with fewer features, or a gigantic iPod touch. But really, people shouldn't be judging this thing based on other electronics. This is something completely new, and that's what people aren't getting. They shouldn't be comparing this to a laptop, because it's not a laptop. They shouldn't be comparing it to an iPod, because it's not an iPod! It's an iPad. It's portable, and light, and you can use it to check your e-mail, read a book, or organize your day. The only thing I can really think of comparing it to is the Amazon Kindle, but with a lot more features.
With that said, I'm going to rise to the title of this article, and tell you my problem with it.
I've been in love with the Amazon Kindle ever since I saw this XKCD comic. You see, I've been a fan of Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series for a very long time. (In fact I re-read the books less than a month ago.) And the idea that we're living in a world where such a revolutionizing technology is actually possible just completely fascinates me. It makes me want to buy moon-boots and chrome shoulder-pads. Okay, I'm kidding. Ew. But seriously, though. The Kindle is an awesome product. At first I didn't really like it, since nothing can totally beat reading a real-life book. But then I read about it. And the screen that's lit up in a way that doesn't hurt your eyes. And then I realized that I was looking at a future where my school-bag weighed about half a kilo. And I saw that it was good.
And the Kindle doesn't look that bad, either. It's a pretty okay design. But just imagine what you could do with this technology mixed with Apple's apps and touch-screens!
That's right, people. My actual reason for not wanting an iPad? I'm holding out for the iKindle.
Seriously. Picture it. It would be about the same size as a Kindle, and about as thick and light. It would have the same sleek Apple look that iPad has. It would have fewer apps than iPad, and more apps than Kindle. And none of those silly games that all the iPhones, iPod touches and iPads have, either. It would be completely idiot-proof and user-friendly, with nice Apple-graphics but the Kindle eye-friendly screen. All the apps would be really useful, but beautiful. Maps of the London underground-system. Dictionary. iBooks (or E-books. Whatever). And, of course, free acess to Wikipedia and similar sites.
That is my dream, people. A reasonably sized, reasonably priced, non-heavy guide to everything in the world, that fits into my purse. And it's only a matter of time before Steve Jobs and whatever the guy that runs Amazon is called start dreaming someting along the same lines. So come on, guys. Make my dream come true.
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P.S. Oh, and if you do? Leather cases with the words "Don't panic" written on them in large, friendly letters, please.
(A man comes to my register with a mint chocolate candy bar.)
Me: “Anything else?”
Customer: “Can you break a $100 bill?”
Me: “Actually, I can’t. We just opened and I haven’t gone to the bank today.”
Customer: “Oh, no! Do you know anywhere I can get change? I need this candy right away!”