I really am most awfully sorry for how lazy I appear to be on this site. 42% B seems to think that this is on account of me being shy or something. This is completely ridiculous to me, since I am not in the least bit shy in publishing things on the internet. It's just that I hardly have any time these days! My to-do list is ridiculously long, and I'm also battling a deep-rooted psycological problem. And you know what? I bet you know it too.
I, like many other people at my school, am a student. I'm guessing a few of you are too, aren't you? And if you're a student, you are familiar with the terrible, terrible phenomenon of "assignment term". Isn't it strange how it's like all your teachers decide at the same time to bombard you with assignments that will determine 20% of your final grade?
For me, that season is now. And I have a very, very uncomfortable procrastination-related problem: If I'm meant to be doing a big assignment, I can't do anything else!
That's not to say that I work hard on the project until it's done. Ooooh no. I usually finish it the day before it's due. But if I'm meant to be working on it, I can't do anything else. I can't start any other homework, I can't meet my friends, I can't make interesting posts for this site! Why? Because that would be admitting that I'm not going to be doing anything.
What do I do instead? I hang on facebook, chat on Adium (see this website's first post if you don't know what that is), take boring quizzes I don't care about, watch videos on YouTube while constantly telling myself that this will be the last one, honestly!
That is very much my problem in a nutshell. I won't work on what I'm supposed to be doing, and therefore cannot do anything else. I apologize for this, and assure you that once I get over this stupid little dysfunction (or assignment term ends, whichever comes first) I will be very active on here.
-Stay classy,
42% V
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