
Hey, 42% B here.
I have spent a lot of time chasing after ideas. That is I have made plans and spent a lot of time and effort into trying to execute a really good idea, only to find out that the people I'm trying to do it with aren't interested anymore. So now instead of going everywhere yelling "I HAVE AN IDEA", I'm simply going to write down my ideas HERE, and then give people the address to this site. Let them come to me! No more chasing. From now on, if you want to do something productive and awesome, I AM HERE! COME FIND ME!
Scroll down and CONTACT US to send me a line! I honestly don't know why I'm writing this in english since I live in Iceland and will only give other kids at my school this address... But hey! If one of you guys from abroad find a cool way of some kind of oversea co-op, I'm game!
I already blogged about this here

Ideas!the most recent ideas are listed first
As I said on the very bottom of this page, an idea and the will to execute it isn't always enough. Plans need to be made. When someone says "Hey, let's do a Gay Dracula sketch and post it on youtube!" he automatically becomes the producer. He needs to pick a person or two to sit down with and write the sketch and plan it's execution. If nothing get's done, nothing will get done.
Now, with that said, here are some of my many MANY ideas:
"Hlutir sem fólk gerir bara ekki, en væri awesome að gera! Reyndar svo awesome að maður getur ekki ekki tekið það upp á vídeó!"
-in the style of Pomplamoose and MysteryGuitarMan
Youtube series: Gay Dracula
Youtube idea #1
You know those "transformation sequences" that are everywhere in TV shows and cartoons? You know when the power rangers morph, Ash from Pokémon turns his cap backwards and that awesome scene when Rambo puts his red headband on? We should totally spoof them! Make a compilation of those transformation sequences using the correct music and effects, but with live actors. It has been done individually but never by us and never in a compilation!

Proposal Day
Á laugardaginn er "Proposal Day". Geðveikt væri að panta borð fyrir tvo á Caruso eða álíka rómantískum stað, þ.e.  fyrir tvo karlmenn. Þegar þeir eru kannski hálfnaðir með máltíðina stendur annar þeirra upp og talar með kröftugri röddu yfir veitingarhúsið "Ég elska þennan mann!". Maður A heldur áfram í nokkrar mínútur í ástríðufullri ástarjátningu sem endar á "viltu giftast mér?". Á þessu tímapunkti eru allir í salnum hættir að borða og fylgjast með.
Maður B starir að sjálfsögðu á móti Manni A, en segir ekki neitt. Eftir nokkra sekúndna þögn munu tvær aðrar manneskjur af Charlie byrja að klappa í takt og kyrja fyrst: "seg-ðu já! seg-ðu já!". Sem síðan hækkar og hækkar, með þeim afleiðingum að allir í salnum taki þátt.
Það væri svo geðveikt að gera þetta! Sérstaklega ef við náum að panta alveg fjögur eða fimm borð á stað, þar sem tveir strákar leika "parið", tvær manneskjur sjá um crowd control og ein tekur upp myndavél í miðri ástarjátningu eins og hún hafi bara verið með hana á sér fyrir tilviljun.

Results = most epic icelandic youtube video ever uploaded!

Fun with strangers:
  1. Confront and convince a couple of- or a group of people that not only are you from the future, but also that they are the reason that the world is going to end and that you were sent to the past to stop them.
  2. Initiate a random(awkward) conversation with a total stranger in a public area.
This one idea can lead to so many many many epic things! Just think about all the different situation you can create in a mall full of people!

Stomp atriði
Maður byrjar bara á því að skrifa það niður og semja stompið, svo sendir maður öllum tölvupóst og hand-outs. Vikuna eftir mæta allir í skólann tilbúnir að gera stompatriði í hádeginu! Myndatakan mun örugglega fara í gegnum mig og Bryndísi en okkur vantar einhver til þess að hjálpa til við að semja stomp atriðið. Einhverjir sjálfboðaliðar?

Science Projects
Every semester I watch at least two experiments in class via youtube, but I don't think I've ever really done one at home. Why haven't I?!?
There are a ton of cool experiments available and doing one would be totally epic! Even more epic would be catching them on video. I have a list of experiments to do, I am usually free over the weekends, so send me a line if you are interested!

Easy to pull-off covers:
    1. Let it be
    2. Californication
    3. Have You Ever Seen The Rain
    4. Otherside
    5. Dani California
    6. and more
    Some of these are kinda not as easy as one would hope, but would still be really fun to learn to play. Remember that I never suggest a song that I don't already have all the notes for!

    "We are so awesome" Video montage
    That is, we do awesome things that are just too awesome not to do, and record it on video. Some of the things to to:
    1. Dress up as a waiter, go to a random public restroom and offer gests towels and mints
    2. Dance "singing in the rain" with at least 10people in front of our school.
    3. Rent a horse and go down-town, awesome clothes are recommended (I tried, but it's not as easy renting a horse as one would think :/ )
    4. A stomp act, either starting with simple fingers-on-table tapping or whistling, preferably rehearsed.
    5. Rent a bicycle with more-than-one-saddle and dress up in big fancy dresses and go cycling 'round town.
    6. FREE HUGS - need I say more?
    7. Feed the ducks by the pond. With awesome people and awesome editing it would, in fact, be awesome
      1. or you could start making a scene at the ducks that don't eat the bread, resulting in a totaly emotional breakdown.
    8. Just basically go downtown and film us doing random epic stuff, cut into a video resulting in a totally awesome video montage.
    Two-man band - as a street act.
    I can play, at the same time;
    -The electric bass, bass drum and the snare drum.
    -The guitar/bass and keyboard (I can make chords and everything with my "claw)
    -The guitar and harmonica (although I don't really play the harmonica, but it's still an idea)

    So imagine this, if there are two people! 
    1. Bass and drums
    2. Guitar and keyboard     and sings

    With this two persons could cover many many songs, acting as an entire band! Although the hi-hat and cymbals are missing it would still sound great! Doing this, downtown, as a live performance, IT IS SO DO-ABLE!!

    Stop-motion animation
    What is stop-motion animation? Think Nightmare Before Christmas and Mystery Guitarman.
    There is so much that can be done via stop-motion animation/excessive video editing. I have everything needed except one lousy cord. So start brainstorming now so we can get right to it when I finally get to purchasing that last little thing.

    Recording: either videos or music. 
    Although I am just a newbie when it comes to video and music editing I have found that one learns by doing! If someone wants to do something fun with me such as recording videos or music just for the fun of it and learn together the art of recording and editing; send me a line! I have the resources, a camcorder, mic, best software available and a laptop that can handle the pressure! Although I might need some cords, my Pro Tools is getting fixed and having some problem with video formats we can still get started through scripting/rehearsing.

    Youtube videos and sketches.
    Yay, I haz a Youtube channel ^^
    If anyone wants to record a sketch or a video with me, just let me know ;)
    Sometimes throwing an idea at me isn't alway enough, when a good idea reaches the surface it needs to be polished, thought out, written down and scripted before becoming reality. Sometimes a few sketches are enough but sometimes (especially when working with props or when the video depends on someone/thing else) further planning is needed.