There must be something... Oh, here we go!
Okay, I know you've all seen demotivational posters, right? They look something like this.
And if you haven't been living under a rock since God invented the internet (ha-ha, it's funny because I'm at atheist) you'll also have come across lolcats, and probably other funny pictures with lolspeak written on them.
Well, haven't you ever wanted to make one of your own in a fast and easy way? I did, so I did what I usually do when I want something: I Google it. (Also applies to celebreties I have crushes on, and people I'm stalking.) And, because I'm a l33t h4x0r (no I'm not) I found what I was looking for!
I actually created both these pictures in about five minutes (that includes the time it took me to find the images on Google and uploading the final results to Photobucket). Yes I'm aware that that "the" should be a "teh", but gimme a break! I'm really sick and it's five in the morning! I did this via automotivator and roflbot, respectively. How do they work? Simple. Click the link(s), upload a picture, and write something funny! I've seen crap demotive-makers and lolcat-makers on the internet, but these are actually really good. They're really user-friendly and easy to use, and most importantly, they produce really good- and authentic-looking pictures!
They both belong to the website Wigflip, a site that, upon further inspection, appears to be very neat indeed. They have this thing called the signbot, that... well it's pretty darn obvious isn't it?
You know who you are.
Soooo yeah. You now know how to create your very own demotivational poster, lolcat, loldog or lol-any-sort-of-animal-you-found-a-funny-picture-of. You're welcome. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and actually fall asleep before my mom wakes up for work.
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