Saturday, February 27, 2010


Just to tease you a bit I decided to tell you that...:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Epic Movies - 300 Page views!

300 page views! Woo-hoo! And what do you get? A new post!

As mentioned in my Top Ten Coolest Movie Voices -blog I watch movies... A LOT. Sometimes half of the experience is the person you watch the movies with. With that in mind me and my best friend compiled a list of epic movies that we just HAVE TO watch together. For reasons unknown I decided to share with you this list! yay!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Nostalgia Critic!

New Nostalgia Critic every wednesday!

Safari crashed just when I clicked play. At least I got this epic screenshot xD

Be sure to check out the Top 11 Villain Songs at

Awesome folders and how to make 'em

I’d love to say that people frequently ask me the question “V, how do you make your MacBook so cool and customized? Can you teach me?” But I won’t say that, because that would be a lie. I never get asked that. But I should, because I’ve spent quite a bit of time working on this. Over time, we’re going to post more hints on how to make your Mac even more awesome than it already is, but for now I’m just going to show you how to customize your folder icons.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Religion Post

"...Those parrots talk about everything. Politics, movies, fashion. Everything but religion. It's rude to talk about religion. You never know who you're gonna offend"

Edward Bloom from Tim Burton's Big Fish (2003) is absolutely correct. But if then again I'm a teenager. I'm used to having people pissed off at me >.<

Monday, February 22, 2010

Learning Flash

God, I love getting new softwares!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it was only last week when I got me the Adobe CS04 Master Collection! I couldn't wait to start learning my way around softwares like Photoshop®, After Effects®, and my personal favorite; Adobe Flash®.

Most of these softwares are a piece of cake to learn to use, but Flash has proven it self a challange worthy of my skillz (assume I have any). If you want to learn flash animation and actionscripting and are finding yourself lost and not knowing where to start, here are a few tips and links to get you going:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Góa - Playlist Update

Today is the first day of "Góa", one of the old icelandic months. The first day of Góa is also one of the  two "icelandic valentine's day". This one is simply called "wife-day". On this day a husband is supposed to treat her wife like she is the queen of the world, or his world anyways.

On this occasion I introduce to you the first monthly playlist update! As you can see we have a music player from Singing Box in the right-hand column. From now, for each of the old months, we will post a short blog and a playlist update.

For Góa's playlist we have three songs, one by an icelandic drummer and composer Gunnar Waage (link). The other songs are simply two of my all-time favourites.
  • Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Aleta - Gunnar Waage
  • Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden
To listen to the next song on the playlist simply press the >> button on the Singing Box music player!

Don't Click The Button


Friday, February 19, 2010

Top Ten Coolest Movie Voices

I watch movies. I watch movies A LOT. What I probably love most about movies, and what has the most effect on me whilst watching them, is THE SOUND. A movie with poor audio quality or a dull, uninteresting score is a movie not worth watching (try watching Lord of The Rings on mute, it just doesn't work!). So an actor with a great-sounding voice is naturally well appreciated in the movie-making business.
When wandering one of my favourite sites,, I found this video linked below. The Distressed Watched (a.k.a. TheAmazingAthiest) has compiled a list of the 10 most awesome voices in the movie industry, and boy do I agree with him!
Although he seems to pick voices all in the same category (instead of pointing out the best of each style individually) I have to say all these names had to be mentioned (not necessarily in this order). Maybe later I'll post an addition to the video with some honorable mentions thad, sadly, did not make the list.
But until then and without further ado, click the link below to watch the video at

If you've got spare time I can really recommend almost every video posted on this site! Check it oot!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I'm sure you're al familiar with MLIA, right? And GMH? Probably even FML, even though that's my least favourite of this, shall we say, genre of sites. But my absolute favourite one so far?
It's brilliant. Check it out.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Delayed Update

Sorry for the delayed update guys!
I was going to post my coverage of the "half-your-age-plus-seven"-rule last weekend but due to layout- and file hosting-related difficulties it didn't go so well xD
I will get things online as soon as possible but since I have to take ALL the screenshots again it might take some time.

But this will hopefully not kill our schedule (HOPEFULLY) and my next post and the first monthly playlist will (again; HOPEFULLY) be on time!

ta-ta for now!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Useful/Awesome Mac Applications

A few days ago, I was browsing the web, looking for interesting applications for my MacBook. And I noticed that a lot of people seem to be making lists of their favourite applications, or ones that they find useful.
“Hmmm,” I thought. “This is quite a popular trend, isn’t it?” So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and do one of my own. And who knows? Maybe you’ll all like it so much that you’ll tell all your friends, who’ll tell all their friends, et cetera, and this webpage will become famous overnight!
Yeah right. Anyway, best get started. Here they are, in alphabetical order! And remember to tune in soon for a blog on customizing your Mac’s icons!

Click "Expand" to see my list!